
We accompany and encourage Salvadoran women to build opportunities according to their reality through our programs.


Since 1970, Siramá Foundation has guided Salvadoran women to discover strengths, skills and abilities that allow them to develop their career and contribute to their community. To date, more than 50,000 women have found tools for their personal and professional development with Siramá.

Women in El Salvador

Women in El Salvador have to balance their role as the head of their households with often underpaid jobs. They are underserved in professional training opportunities, conflict resolution skills training, and mentorship.

Siramá aims to create a multi-dimensional support network of opportunities for women based on mentorship and training. Its structure encompasses technological, material and human resources and, in addition to mentorship and training, provides multi-disciplinary resources, tools, channels and spaces for women to develop personally. With Siramá, women in El Salvador accomplish their small business entrepreneurial objectives and achieve independence. 

For more information, visit or visit our Facebook page.

"Women are called to bring to the family, to society, and to the Church characteristics which are their own and which they alone can give: their gentle warmth and untiring generosity, their love for detail, their quick-wittedness and intuition, their simple and deep piety, their constancy...A woman’s femininity is genuine only if she is aware of the beauty of this contribution for which there is no substitute and if she incorporates it into her own life.”

— Conversations with Monsignor Escrivá de Balaguer

PROGRAMS From Siramá

Empowerment in Peacebuilding.
The areas in which most of Siramá’s beneficiaries live suffer from high rates of violence. Through the Artisan Women of Peace Program, each woman is encouraged to be a light for their families and society. The program contributes to the inner strength of women so that they can educate themselves in peace, becoming agents of peace throughout the country.

Economic Empowerment.
This program guides its students as they become entrepreneurs through counseling and assistance in developing a business plan or through business-strengthening advice. It also curates a job bank to help position its students for success.

Technical training.
Once a student decides that she wants to start technical training, she studies and participates in periodic evaluations and extracurricular workshops that strengthen her training through this program.

Social empowerment.
This program is comprised of soft-skills workshops that train women to be leaders and provide the skills they will need to become excellent employees or entrepreneurs. Siramá also encourages volunteering in this program, providing the opportunity for women to test their team management, dialogue and conflict resolution skills.

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